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Numerology is a science based on numbers of a person mainly the date of birth, name and signature Of course the address numbers, phone number, house number, car number do play a part correcting or disturbing the energies, but mostly this gives guidance about

Personality/character analysis of a person:

  • Negative periods that you can lay low
  • Challenges in life
  • Positive periods that you can give a push to enhance
  • How the relationships may play out in your life
  • How the finances may play out in your life
  • What you need to change about your attitude and perception
  • What are your learning's
  • What are your strengths and passions
  • What can be the best career for you
Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

It can also be used for many other purposes listed and explained below:

Relationship Analysis / Marriage Compatibility

For marriage purpose or life long relationship, It helps to know the positive and negative of a person so that you may learn to understand them, accept them completely and maintain a harmonious relationship.

Price per 2 hours - ₹ 12,000/-

Bridal Name

It helps to have the name of the bride in sync with the family she is going to be walking into and interacting with the rest of her life.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

Career Analysis

It largely helps with career, based on strengths and challenges, so that the person can tap into their potential and have a successful life ahead.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

Address Analysis

The energy of the home and workplace can be corrected to be in sync with the person so that they may have a peaceful life.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

House No. & Name Plate

It plays a huge part in the address analysis.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

Car Number

A wrong number can lead to accidents, loss of life and disaster. So, its very imp to have the right number as it can either lead to success or downfall.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

Baby Name

The best gift you can give your child is the name and if the name is in sync with the family name and the date of birth of the child. Their journey can overcome hurdles easily and have a smoother life be it relationships or finance.

Price per 2 hours - ₹ 12,000/-


For health issues a tarot reading can be done for short term or a numerology can be used as a long term reading.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

Company Name

It is similar to baby name, A company name helps in harmonising energies to ensure success and prosperity, especially if there are partners..

Price per 2 hours - ₹ 12,000/-

Partnership Analysis

Even a partnership in business is like a romantic or marital relationship. If their energies don't match with each other this relationship can create havoc for the business, So the company name can be adjusted to suit every one's energies so that the ship remains afloat and reaches its destination peacefully.

Price per 2 hours - ₹ 12,000/-

Pet Name

Pets are just like babies and their names would help a great deal in ensuring you get exactly what you wish from your pets behaviour.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-

Sexual Compatibility

Would suggest a mix of tarot and numerology for relationships analysis and sexual compatibility. Since, I believe this is the most important in a relationship and can save a marriage or destroy it.

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-


Parental Guidance

We generally have our parents as models subconsciously and we may make the same mistake our parents did. No one actually knows how to be a parent hence this helps a great deal. This is a very important part of upbringing your child since not both the babies are same and you are a new parent to a new child every time. And since the personality / charterer and behaviour of every child is different, the upbringing model should also be based on that. Hence we guide you on what to do and not to do in upbringing of that particular baby / child..

Price per hour - ₹ 4,800/-
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